Twirly Girly Camp Ages 4-10
5 Days
Five Fun Fabulous Days of all Girly Stuff all day long!!!
Day 1: Princess Day!
Dress in your favorite Princess dress (or anything you'd like)
Today is all about confidence and kindness. We'll learn about making friends and how to be powerful!
Today’s lesson: Acting Like a Lady (knees together, no feet in the chair, inside voices, shaking hands, introductions)
A Chocolate Fountain and more!
Day 2: Magic Fairy Day!
We’ll look for fairies, and make pixie dust, and fairy hair!
Come dressed in your favorite fairy costume or anything sparkly!
Today’s Lesson: Magic Words, Good Manners work like Magic Spells,
Learning to spread Pixie Dust (love), Basic
Cupcake or Cookie decorating
Day 3: Slumber Party!
Bring your favorite stuffed animal, a pillow, and a blanket! Wear your favorite pajamas! Total Girl time with stories, a movie, popcorn, and nail polish! Bring your favorite game if you'd like.
Today’s Lesson: Hostess and Guest Courtesies and How to Be a Great Friend, how to open a gift graciously. We'll make sugar scrubs and jewelry.
Day 4: Alice in Wonderland
A Madhatter Tea! Dress as silly and outrageous as you please!
Little Cakes and Lawn Games with The Queen! Lunch is provided today with a huge spread for the tea party
Today’s Lesson: Tea and Table Etiquette, learning a basic place setting, and writing thank you cards.
Day 5: Paris Fashion Show
Walk down the runway in your favorite attire while the crowd cheers you on!
Dress Fancy (boas, sunglasses, shoes) We will end with a fashion show on our red carpet to finish off the week with a photo shoot followed by a party to celebrate!
Today’s Lesson: Review. Being a Star means making others feel wonderful when they are around us! (Showing Love, Concern, and Respect for Others)

Princess Day
Pirate Camp
not currently running
5 Days
Time to be Silly! Pirate Games, Crafts, Stories, table lessons, Good Pirate code, and kindness, and more! For Boys and Girls!
Students should come dressed as a Pirate, Mermaid, or Wench as little or as much as they want. We will be making hats, eye patches, and treasure maps, messages in bottles, decorating cupcakes, and more!
Day 1: Aaarrrggggg!
We'll learn the Pirates Code of Honor (good manners lessons hidden throughout!)
Practice Introducing ourselves and others, Shaking Hands, Making Friends
Day 2: Shiver Me Timbers
Today we will be writing our own play about pirates!
Bad Pirate Etiquette to avoid!
Day 3: Davey Jones Locker
We'll make our own maps, and then find a map from a story that will send them on a treasure hunt! Writing Skills (Thank You Cards)
Day 4: Poop Deck! (I know....but the giggles will be awesome!)
Lunch will be served today to practice our table manners.
(Chicken Nuggets, Mac and Cheese, and Fruit)
Setting the Table, Guest and Host Skills
Day 5: Walk the Plank
Time to put on our play!
Silly, Silly, Silly Day!!

Mad Hatter Tea Party
Junior Camp Counselors
Small Running Title
Paris Fashion Show