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Copy of Children's Fine Dining and Social Skills

Ages 6-10

395 US dollars
Hazel Court

Service Description

Lessons will include: Four 1 1/2 hour classes plus final forma dinner at Ruths Chris. A dining course each class to practice our different dining skills. Both American and European Dining skills wil be taught. Introductions, Greetings, A Proper Handshake, Eye Contact, Polite Conversation, Introductions, Thank you card formula, How to be a gracious host and courteous guest, how to gracious and what to say when opening a gift. How to ask to be Excused, Napkin Placement, Compliments Awkward Foods (spaghetti, sushi, artichokes, crab legs, Pushing Plates Away, Foods We Don't Like Awkward situations, Respect, Rude Behavior, Thank You Cards Tools to give them confidence and power when they need it the most! and Much More!

Contact Details

  • 404 Hazel Court, Orlando, FL, USA

    + 407-616-7873

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